Are you interested in practising French conversation? You might like our group.
Since early 2023 we’ve been meeting weekly to speak in French. There are usually 6 to 12 of us, with varying levels of French.
When: Every Friday morning from 11:30am - 12:45pm (commencing 10 January)
Where: Kensington Neighbourhood House, 89 McCracken St, Kensington.
(We meet in the church hall opposite the KNH). The venue is about a 5-minute walk from Kensington train station.
Cost: FREE
Format: We split into small groups of 2-3 people to speak for 20 mins on:
a topic of everyday relevance nominated in advance; or
a topic selected by the group itself.
After 20 minutes we rotate into a different group and repeat. For the final part, we come together as a single group and chat about a topic of general interest nominated in advance.
Atmosphere: Informal and relaxed - people turn up when available. The format is
flexible and evolving. The focus is on enjoying the experience of speaking French
with like-minded individuals and being relaxed about the challenges of speaking a
foreign language in public.
There are facilities to make tea or coffee.
Pre-requisites: An intermediate level of French or above, with reasonable
vocabulary. We communicate as a group via WhatsApp and email.
Interested? Contact Ola at for more information.